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There have been unprecedented advances in science and technology in present years. New inventions and innovations are being reported in quick succession. The industry is becoming highly research-oriented and competitive. Growth of knowledge is increasing at such a rate that a professional has an uphill task keeping oneself up-to-date in the area of specialization. Towards this end, IETE caters to the needs of electronics and telecommunication and IT professionals by publishing highly informative journals. IETE assists an engineer through dissemination of current knowledge, enabling him thereby to contribute substantially towards the profession and match the changing requirements of society. The IETE journals are indexed by reputed international abstracting agencies like Institute
of Scientific Information, USSR; International Information Services for the Physics and Engineering Communities (INSPEC), UK; Engineering Index, USA; Physikalische Berichte, Germany; Computer Contents, USA; Informascience, France; INSDOC, India; and others.

Leading organizations within the country and abroad including R&D establishments, educational institutions, polytechnics and libraries subscribe to the IETE journals.

The non-member readers are invited to subscribe to IETE Journals, brief scope of journals is as under:

  • IETE Journal of Research (Bi-monthly) contains R&D type articles covering state-of-the-art (ISSN 0377-

  • IETE Technical Review (Bi-monthly) contains general interest articles, review of technology/products/design
    (ISSN 0256-4602)

  • IETE Journal of Education (Quarterly) contains tutorial academic type articles of diploma/under-graduate level

Annual Subscription Rates of IETE Journals
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in favour of IETE New Delhi)

                            Annual Subscription Rates of IETE Journals
(Payment are accepted through Local Cheuqes / Demand Draft payable at New Delhi, in favour of IETE New Delhi)
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IETE Journal of Research
IETE Technical Review

750.00 170  
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Above both Journals for Student Members of IETE  500.00 ---
IETE Journal of Research  500.00 100
IETE Technical Review 400 100
IETE Journal of Education 150 35
IETE Journal of Education for Corporate Members of IETE 100 17

For IETE Corporate members one journal (either IETE Journal of Research or IETE Technical Review) is free of charge to IETE corporate members. Second  journal is priced at nominal annual subscription of Rs. 65/-

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