IETE Books
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IETE Book Series
The IETE is bringing out a series of volumes for updating the knowledge of professionals in the field of Electronics & Telecommunication in collaboration with Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company. These books are available with leading distributors or directly from M/s Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co, 7 West Patel Nagar , New Delhi 110 008.
Edited by : G K Dubey & C Rao Kasarabada;
The book covers Trends in Semi-conductor Devices & Converters, DC-DC, AC-DC Converters, Inverters, Drives and Pulsewidth Modulation Technique.
ISBN 0-07-462161-0; pp. 495 + xii; List Price: Rs 330/; @1993 Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi.
Edited by V U Reddy & Surendra Prasad;
The book is organised into four parts: Digital Filter Design, Adaptive, Filtering and Modelling, DOA and Spectrum Estimation and Speech Processing.
ISBN 0-07-462493-8 pp.396 + xii List Price: Rs. 350/- ; @ 1994 Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.




Vol - VI Microwave and Millimeter Wave Semiconductor Materials Technology
Edited by : S Ahmad, CEERI, Pilani.
This book covers material growth of semi-conductors used in fabricating devices for microwave and millimeter wave frequencies. Material characteristics specific to microwave and millimeter wave device fabrication have also been described in brief, to make the reader familiar with technological problems to be faced subsequently. Various technological issues related to semiconductor material growth have been addressed, which are of direct interest to device fabricators.
Lucidly illustrated, the author has kept mathematical rigour in treatment of the subject to the minimum. An absolute must for microwave and millimeter wave device engineers, a valuable reference for R&D work.
ISBN 0-07-463098-9;pp 174 + xii :List Price :Rs290 /-;

Vol - VII Transmission Lines and Networks
Vol - VII Transmission Lines and Networks
(For Popularization of Electronics)
Robot & Robotics by M R Chidambara,
The IETE is collaborating with the National Book Trust for bringing out titles for popularizing electronics among non-technical people and also as a supplementary to school children’s reading habits.
ISBN 81-237-0914-5 pp 74 + ix Price Rs. 24/-.

Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing
Edited by Former Professor S C Dutta Roy, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, Emeritus Professor and Distinguished Fellow Member of IETE, New Delhi ;
This book is a collection of tutorial like chapters on all core topics of signals and systems and the electronic circuits. All the topics dealt with in the book are parts of the core syllabi of standard programs in Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering domains. This book is intended to serve as a secondary reader or supplementary text for core courses in the area of signals and systems, electronic circuits and analog and digital signal processing. When studying or teaching a particular topic, the students and instructors of such courses would find it interesting and worthwhile to study the related tutorial chapter in this book in order to enhance their understanding of the fundamentals, simplification of procedures, alternative approaches and relation to other associated topics. In addition, the book can also be used as a primary or secondary text in short-term or refresher courses and as a self study guide for professionals wishing to gain a comprehensive review of the signals and systems domain.
ISBN 978-981-10-6918-5 Price – E Book – Euro 71.39
ISBN 978-981-10-6918-5 Price – Hard Copy – Euro 84.99

Topics in Signal Processing
Edited by Former Professor S C Dutta Roy, Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Delhi, Emeritus Professor and Distinguished Fellow Member of IETE, New Delhi ;
This book is a collection of specific research problems in signal processingand their solutions. It touches upon most core topics, including active and passive processing, discrete-time and continuous signals, and design of filters and networks for specific applications. This unique collection of design problems and conceptual insights will be useful to graduate students, researchers, and professionals working on signal processing problems. In addition, the book can also be used as a supplementary text for graduate courses in advanced signal processing, and for professional development courses for practicing engineers.
ISBN 978-981-13-9531-4 Price – Hard Copy – Euro – 129.99
ISBN 978-981-13-9532-1 Price – eBook – Euro – 107.09