IETE Membership

The IETE membership is available at different levels based on the applicants’ academic qualifications and practical experience in electronics, telecommunications, computers, information technology and related areas. Applicants are invited to seek the highest membership grade they are qualified for.
The IETE membership is available at different levels based on the applicants’ academic qualifications and practical experience in electronics, telecommunications, computers, information technology and related areas. Applicants are invited to seek the highest membership grade they are qualified for. The membership categories are:
Corporate Members
1] Honorary Fellow (HF) (elected):
Elgibility Criteria
An Honorary Fellow shall be :
a person who has achieved eminence through the quality of his work in the field of electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering; OR Computer Science or Information Technology
a distinguished person in the field of science/ technology/ industry whose association with the Institution will advance its progress; OR
a distinguished person whom the Institution desires to honour.
HFs are elected by the Council and announced at the Annual General Meeting of the Institution.
2] Distinguished Fellow (DF) (elected):
3] Fellow (F) :
Elgibility Criteria
A candidate for election as a Fellow or for transfer to the class of Fellow should possess the following qualifications:
Attained the age of at least thirty five on the date of his application for election or transfer.
Should have passed the AMIETE examination of the Institution as per examination regulations prescribed by the Council from time to time; OR
Any other examination, which in the opinion of the Council, is equivalent to, or warrants exemption from the AMIETE examination of the Institution ;OR
Passed a post-graduate examination of a recognised university, and/or the Institution or equivalent in any of the disciplines of interest to the institution
Should be engaged in the discipline in a position of high responsibility, or have retired from the profession after having held, before his/her application for election or transfer, a position of high responsibility.
At least ten years experience in the discipline during which the candidate should have held a position of higher responsibility in an organisation for a period of five years, or made outstanding contribution in the discipline.
4] Member (M) :
Elgibility Criteria
To be a member, the candidate should possess following qualifications:
Passed the AMIETE examination of the Institution as per examination regulations prescribed by the Council from time to time;OR
any other examination, which in the opinion of the Council, is equivalent to, or warrants exemption from the AMIETE examination of the institution: OR
hold a post-graduate degree from a recognised university, and/or institution or equivalent in any of the disciplines of interest to IETE.
Should have had subsequent professional experience of at least five years during which he/she, should have held a position of responsibility in an organisation for a period of four years in the discipline or shall have made a significant contribution in Electronics and/or Telecommunications.
5] Associate member (AM) :
Elgibility Criteria
A candidate for election to the class of Associate Member should possess the following qualifications:
Attained the age of twenty one years on the date of application for election.
Should have passed the AMIETE examination of the Institution as per examination regulations prescribed by the Council from time to time; OR any other examination, which in the opinion of the Council, is equivalent to, or warrants exemption from the AMIETE examination of the Institution.
Non-Corporate Members
1] Associate (A) :
Elgibility Criteria
Every candidate for election to the class of Associate shall be not less than 30 years of age shall satisfy the Council that he has rendered useful service to the profession of Electronics, Telecommunication Engineering, and allied subjects either in the field of Commerce or Finance or Law or in any other area of application. Notwithstanding the above, a candidate enrolled in IETE for postgraduate Advanced Level Course in Computer Science shall also qualify for election to the class of Associates.
2] Organisational Member (ORG) :
Elgibility Criteria
Organisational Membership is open to any organisation wholly or partly dealing with the disciplines of interest to IETE.
IETE Newsletter and one of the technical journals is supplied to all Corporate Members free of cost. In addition they are entitled to subsidised subscription rates for other publications of IETE. Other benefits include concessional rates for attending seminars, conferences and other technical programmes organised by IETE and opportunity to participate in meetings and forums on professional issues. Members also have the opportunity to undergo professional development programmes conducted by the IETE and also avail the benefits of co-operative agreements that IETE has with professional bodies in other countries.
3] AMIETE Student (AMIETE) :
Elgibility Criteria
All students desirous of appearing for the AMIETE Examination conducted by the institution should enroll as a Student Member of the IETE. To become a Student Member, a student has to procure the relevant syllabi which contains the Application Form for student membership by remitting Rs 250/- as DD in favour of Secretary General IETE, New Delhi or by cash payment payment of Rs. 250/- at the Head Quarter or the Centres of IETE.
Eligibility for appearing in AMIETE Examination
a) Not less than 18 years of age and having passed 12th standard exam (of 10+2 system) with physics, chemistry and mathematics as subjects,
is/has been a student of electronics/ telecommunications/electrical engineering ,or physics in a university/college/institution approved by the Council.
is/has been an engineering pupil/apprentice/assistant in a recognized firm, society or organisation engaged in electronics and telecommunication engineering or allied subjects.
Not less than 18 years and with DIPIETE or equivalent diploma recognized by the Council.
b) Should be sponsored by a corporate member of the IETE.
4] DIPIETE Student (DipIETE) :
Elgibility Criteria
Eligibility for appearing in DIPIETE Examination
a) Not less than 16 years of age and having passed the 10th class examination conducted by a recognized board of education, or its equivalent, as prescribed by the Council.
is a student of electronics/telecommunications/electrical engineering or physics in a university/college/school approved by the Council.
is/has been an electronics & telecommunications engineering apprentice/assistant in a recognized firm/society/organization.
b) is sponsored by a corporate member of IETE.
5] Diploma Member (DipIETE Passout) (DIP) :
Every candidate for election to the class of Diploma member shall not be less than 18 years of age, and shall satisfy the Council that he has passed the Diploma Level Examination of the Institution as per examination regulations prescribed by the Council from time to time, or has passed any other examination which, in the opinion of the Council, is equivalent to, or warrants exemption from, the Diploma Level Examination of the Institution.
Membership Forms :
Mandatory Undertaking for New Students before enrollment
Chartered Engineers :
Every practicing engineer who is a Life Fellow of the Institution and has completed a minimum of five years as a Fellow, or a Life Member who has completed a minimum of 10 years as a Member, is eligible to apply to describe himself as a Chartered Engineer. When using that description after his name as “C Eng (IETE)”, it shall be placed before the designation of the Institution to which he belongs, namely “FIETE” or “MIETE”. The Council of IETE or a Committee appointed by the Council will examine the eligibility. The Council of IETE will decide the fee for grant of Charter Status from time to time.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Byelaw, a person shall cease to have any right to designate himself as a Chartered Engineer in case he ceases to be a Fellow or Member of the Institution for any reason whatsoever.
A Fellow or Member practicing in partnership with any person who is not a Fellow or Member, under the title of a firm, shall not use or permit to be used after the title of such firm the designation “Chartered Engineer” or “Chartered Engineers” or describe or permit the description of such firm in any way as “Chartered Engineers”.
A register will be maintained in respect of such Chartered Engineers.
As you all are aware that Govt of India has introduced GST w.e.f July 2017 as per section 7 of CGST Act 2017 levy of 9% + 9% is applicable on Membership Fees for the professional Societies. This practice has already been started in Institution of Engineers (IE), The Institute of Charted Accountants of India (ICAI), The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants(ICMA), The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and other Professional Societies also.
In view of the above, Corporate Members, Organisational Members are requested to add GST @18% on membership fees w.e.f 01st Jan 2018.
Role of Membership Committee:
• Consideration of Membership applications and Initiatives for growth Corporate Membership.
• Target based planning and implementation to increase the Corporate members.
• Yearly Best Center, Sub center & PACs First & Second awards recommendation
• Membership Subscription and fee structure.
• Ethics related issues of all types of Members.