IETE Recognitions
IETE Recognitions (AMIETE and DIPIETE )
AMIETE & DIPIETE have been recognised by the Govt of India, UPSC & others as equivalent degree & diploma in Engineering for the purpose of recruitment to superior services/posts under the Central/State Government and also by many Universities/Institutions for the purpose of admission to Higher education in respective Engineering disciplines.

Government of India Ministry of Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs (now Ministry of HRD) O.M.
Subject: Recognition of Technical and Professional Qualifications
The undersigned is directed to say that the Government of India, on the recommendations of the Board of Assessment for Technical and Professional Qualifications, have decided that a pass in the Graduate membership Examination of the *Institution of Telecommunication Engineers (India) be recognized for purposes of recruitment to superior posts and services under the Central Government.
Recognition of Graduateship Examination by UPSC
Subject: (Extract of the press note regarding the recognition of Technical and Professional Qualification for the purpose of Admission to the IAS etc. and other examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission for Recruitment to Non-technical Service and posts under the Central Government).
Vide letter No.F.17/2/76 (B) dated 31s1 December, 1977 the Union Public Service Commission have decided that professional and technical qualifications such as a pass in Section A and B of the AMIETE Graduateship Examination of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, etc. which are recognized by the Government as equivalent to degree in engineering for purpose of recruitment to superior Services/Posts under the Central Government should also be recognized for purposes of admission to competitive examinations conducted by them for recruitment to non-technical services/posts (viz., the IAS etc. Assistant’s Grade and Combined Defence Service Examination) for admission to which a degree of recognized University or equivalent has been prescribed as the basic educational qualification.

Association of Indian Universities: Recognition of AMIETE
We thankfully acknowledge your letter No.IETE/38/93 dated April 19, 1993 addressed to our Secretary General. We are happy to know that IETE, the country’s premier professional body devoted to progress in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers have conducted three examination of ‘C’ Level (M.Tech. Level) in Computer science which carries the accreditation of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. We are also aware that AMIETE conducted by the Institution is already’recognised by the Govt. of India and is accepted by national level GATE. As IETE Examinations are recognised by Govt. of India, we do not foresee any difficulty in acceptance of the Institution qualifications at Indian Universities, on merits for purpose of admission to higher courses. We should be glad to write to any university in case of any difficulty to IETE Graduates |
Recognition of AMIETE by Ministry of Railways
Subject: Recognition of the Grade IETE Examination (now AMIETE)
The sub matter has been carefully considered by the Railways Board & it has been decided that professional and technical qualifications such as a pass in Section ‘A’ and ‘B’ of the AMlETE, Graduateship Examination of The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers etc. which are recognized by the Government as equivalent to degree in Engineering and for purposes of recruitment of Superior Services / Posts under the Central Government, should also be recognized for purposes of admission to competitive examinations conducted for recruitment to various posts on the Railways for admission to which an Engineering Degree of a Recognized University or equivalent has been prescribed as the basic educational qualification.

The eligibility of AMIETE for appearing in GATE.
The relevant extract from the GATE information brochure for eligibility of AMIETE for appearing in GATE (Graduated Aptitude Test in Engineering) which is the qualifjing examination for admission to Master’s degree course in Engineering and Technology conducted by the lIT’s and the Indian Institute of Science is given below :
“Those who have completed AMIETE or any other equivalent examinations recognized by the Union Public Service Commission for the purpose of employment are eligible to appear for this stream”.
In 1994 GATE authorities have declared that AMIETE students who complete Section-A can also appear for the GATE Exam from 1995.
All the AMIETE Students are eligible to appear for GATE. Valid GATE score is considered for job opportunities in PSUs like BHEL, BEL, NTPC and Indian Oil etc.
Recognition by the Government of India, state governments, universities, and institutions for AMIETE.
State Governments
Govt. of Kerala
Gazette No. 7 dt. 14 February 1978 Part I General administration (Rules Department) G O (P) No. 60/78 GAD.
Uttar Pradesh
Pravidhik Shiksha Vibhag, Lucknow (UP) No. 2031 – F/89-18 dt. 15 July 1989.
Govt. of Nepal
Nepal Public Service Commission letter dated 10.05.1990.
Association of Indian Universities
No. EV/II (515)/2010/1307 dated 30 Sept 2010
Anna University, Madras
Letter No. 26869/AA1/88 dt. 4.02.89 from the Registrar
Andhra University, Waltair
Letter No. LII(3)/19 15/90 dt. 08.07.1992
Amaravati University
Gazette Notification No. 46/1992 dt. 14th May, 1992
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
No. IT/ACD/GEN/VI – 7/689 dt. 21.09.1994.
Bharatidasan University, Tiruchirapali
No. 10656/D2/93 dt. 28.10.1993
Bombay University, Mumbai
Letter no. E1/C/8155 dt. 22 November, 1988 from the Registrar.
Calcutta University
Resolution No. 319/75 Secy dt. 10.06.1991
Cochin University of Science and Technology
University Order No. AC, A3/21359/84 dt. 05.09.1984.
University of Indore (Now Devi Ahilya Viswavidyalaya)
No. ACM-II (195)/79 dt. 11.01.1980
Goa University, Goa
No. GU/1/Recog/Engg/130/94 18259 dt. 15.02.1994
Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
Notification No. UOG/ACA/92-93/2569 dt. 17.10.1992
Gurunanak Dev University Amritsar
D.O. No. 3688 dt. 11.02.1986
HNB Garhwal University
No. UOG/Acad/92/2657 dt. 11.06.1992
Hyderabad University
Acad/U2/Recog/3941(1) dt. 23.08.1990
Indira Gandhi Nation Open University
No. B.IV/6/(8)/93/1155 dt. 6.06.1993.
Kakatiya University Warangal (AP)
No. 868/81/1985 dt. 26.07.1985.
Kerala University, Trivandrum
No. Acad. AIII/3/3 300/94 dt. 12.08.1994
Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra
No. ACM.II/267/92/32413 dt. 26.12.1992
Kuvempu University
No. KU/AC/BOS-I/2929/93-94 dt. 28/29.07/1993.
University of Madras
No. CR III/Recog/2029 dt. 23rd March 1978
Mother Teresa Women’s University, Chennai
No. 2/EC/WU/R/1992. Dt 18.11.92 (Resolution No. 1992-113)
Mysore University
No. AC5/R5/407/87-88 dt. 28.05.91
Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak
Resolution. No. 50 of 25.09.1989
Marathwada University
Ex/EQUI-Misc-41/89-90/50660-92 dt 18.09.1989.
Nagpur University
Exam/Recog/4276 dt. 05.09.1984
Pondicherry University
No. PU/Aca-2/3/5681 dt. 26.02.1993
Punjab University
No. 22724/GM dt. 03.12.1991 ST 996 dt18.02.1986
Rani Durgavati Viswa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur
Notifications No. GS/89/66
University of Roorkee (Now IIT, Roorkee)
No. Acd/1160/R-122 (Recog.) dt. 10.06.92
Sardar Patel University
DB/338 dt. 25.04.1994.
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Letter No. SU/Eligi/340 dt. 30 May 1989
Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal
Letter No. 107/041 dt. 31st July 1984.
Sri Venkateswara (Tirupati) University
Letter No. 27-826-C 1 (2)/89 dt. 16.11.1989.
Visva Bharati
No. G/D 43/163 dt. 13.11.1992
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
No. 11603/B/2/95/Recog. Dt. 18.09.1995
Bangalore University
No. ACA-I/R2/Prof. Course/ AMIETE/96-97 dt 28.01.1997
Sambalpur University
Notification No. 10420/Acad I dt. 10.07.1998.
Bengal Engg. College, Howrah(Deemed University)
Notification – Admission to Post Graduate Programme 1999-2000.
GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi
No. F IPV-3/10(1)/99/6246 dt 23/24-10-2000.
University of Jammu
Letter No. F Acad/V/122/2001/8548-49 dt
Gujarat University
No. Exam / 3A / Eli / 6370 / 2002 dt. 12.09.2002.
UP Technical University, Lucknow
No. U.P.T.U./ K.S.K./ 2003 / 1815 dt. 22.05.2003. 10.03.2001.
Nirma University, Ahmedabad
No. NU/AC/Equivalence/IT/10-1078 dt. 30.07.2010
Oriental University
No. OU/IETE/2013/46 Date: 5/12/2013.
Techno India
No. 3033 dt: 29-Nov-2013
Choudhary Charan Singh University
ACAD 92/A-1/21941-50 dt: 9.11.99
Aligarh University
No. 147/DEAN dt: 04.02.91
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
As per IISC advertisement.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
BPGS/75/96/207 and Item No. 2 of the minutes of 38th Senate meeting at 18.10.1975.
Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai
Letter No. F /Acad/ACU/M2/86/658 dt. 17.06.1986.
Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
D-III/1-9/94/523 dt 21.07.1994.
Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad
Letter No. 29.6/2/AC/84 dt. 14.06.1984
Thapar Instt. of Engg & Tech., Patiala
Letter No. EE/702/32 dt. 02 February 1990.
Institution of Engineers (I)
Letter No. EEA/AD/7 dt 29.04.1998.
Other Recognition Letters
Jawaharlal Nehru Tech Unv
Advt No JNTUK/ADMNS/2009 Dt: 30-03-2009
MTNL (A Govt of India Enterprise)
No. MTNL/Pers/I(89)/2002/Vol.IV/29F Dt: 22.10.02
Haryana Agricultural Unversity
No.Acad-93/A-1-21941-50 Dt: 09.11.93
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
No. E(NG)-II/2010-RR-1/17 Dt: 08.12.2011
Dt: 31.12.77 and 02.01.78
Ministry of Education & Social Welfare
No. F.18-4/76-T.2. Dt: 04.02.1976
Ministry of Education & Youth Services
No. F.18-94/61-T.2. Dt: 13.06.1969
Govt. of Tamilnadu (Education Dept.)
No.89307 J2/70-3 Edn. Dt: 16.11.1971
New Recognition Letters
No.TCIL/11/001/AMIETE/HRD/2014 dt. 26.05.14
Instrumentation Ltd
No.IL/CPD/Rectt-73/2014-15 dt. 22.05.14
Cochin Shipyard Ltd
No.P&A/4(128)/2014 dt: 16.06.14
Rajasthan Technical University
email dated 21 June 2014
Osmania University
No. MR-533/L/RTI/ACAD/2014 dt 27.05.14
No.33(8)/84-Admn dt: 16.06.14
Jadavpur University, Kolkata
No.R-PA/M-12/155/14 dt 5.06.2014
Tezpur University, Assam
No. F.20-5/1/2003(Acad)/399 dt: 12.06.14
Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL)
No. 17556/HR/HOA DT: 24.06.2014
Defence Research & Dev. Orgn. (DRDO)
No. RAC/07/Div-VI/Misc/2014 dt 26.06.2014
AMIETE & DIPIETE have been recognised by the Govt of India, UPSC & others as equivalent degree & diploma in Engineering for the purpose of recruitment to superior services/posts under the Central/State Government and also by many Universities/Institutions for the purpose of admission to Higher education in respective Engineering disciplines.
AMIETE recognitions :
- Letters of Recognitions from MHRD, UPSC & AIU
- Letters of Recognitions from IIT
- Letter of Recognition from World Education Services
- Letters of Recognitions from IISc, IET
- Renewed Recognition letter from TCIL
- Renewed Recognition letter from Instrumentation Ltd.
- Recognition from Jadavpur University Kolkata
- Recognition from Tezpur University
- Recognition from Cochin Shipyard Ltd
- Recognition from DRDO
- Recognition from Bharat Electronics Ltd
- Recognition from Rajasthan Technical University
- Recognition from EDCIL
- Recognition from Osmania University
- Recognition from Annamalai University
- Recognition from IIT Guwahati
- Recognition from Dibrugarh University
- Recognition from Kavikkulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University
- Kerala High Court judgements on Recognition of AMIETE
DIPIETE recognitions :
- Letter of Recognition from MHRD for DIPIETE (ET)
- Letter of Recognition from MHRD for DIPIETE (CS)
- Letter of Recognition from Government of Karnataka
- Letter of Recognition from Government of Rajasthan
- Letter of Recognition from Technical Education Chandigarh
- Letters of Recognitions from Other Universities
- Renewed Recognition letter from TCIL
- Renewed Recognition letter from Instrumentation Ltd.
- Recognition from EDCIL
- Recognition from Bharat Electronics Ltd
- Recognition from Cochin Shipyard Ltd
ALCCS recognitions :
Recognition Status of IETE Courses & FAQ's
As per the AICTE public notice Advt. No. P&AP/10(04)/2017 dated 31.10.2017, courses conducted by professional institutions are recognized for those enrolled with these institutions upto 31st May 2013.
Click For interim stay Order dated 23 May 2013
New Court Order About DIPIETE/AMIETE Courses
Kerala High Court judgements on Recognition of AMIETE
Click For CAT Order in Favour of IETE ALUMNIs
Student Interactive Cell
Information of Student Interaction Cell (SIC) at IETE HQ
1. To serve the Students better, a Student Interaction Cell (SIC) at HQ has been established to help students, to guide and provide the desired Information at the earliest.
2. Student can either personally visit IETE HQ to meet Technical Officer (SIC) or can contact him by any of the following means :
(a) Personal Interaction at IETE HQ.
(b) Through Telephone.
(c) E-mail (
(d) By posting queries on ‘Interactive Forum’ : ‘ Academic – Placement – Personal ‘ and ‘ Problem solving ‘ categories along with Name and Membership No. (
Note : Kindly do not post any queries in the Forum ‘ Message from Elan ‘ category. This category is for posting important information from HQ IETE for the Students and should be visited frequently.
If the students queries are not answered or resolved within a reasonable time, students may contact Secretary General, IETE through personal meeting, phone or email ( Students are not to approach any other section of the HQ as their queries/problems shall not be entertained by them.
Students are advised to give their Mobile No. & Email ID for better and faster communication.