(Recognised by DSIR, Government of India)

IETE Student Forum (ISF)

The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) founded in 1953 is one of the leading Professional Society in India. With the great vision of founder and subsequent forefathers and stalwarts who were leading light of the Institution IETE, have been devoting and contributing for the advancement of Science and Technology in the fields of Electronics, Communication Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology and other related subjects. The major focus of IETE is to provide engineering education i.e. Degree and Diploma level certifications to younger generation at affordable cost who can not afford it through regular & private engineering institutions at exorbitant cost. IETE has got two streams of Student base. First wing is the students of alma-mater , IETE , viz, the pass outs of DIPIETE , AMIETE and ALCCS students . For them we have an Alumni Association formed in 2013 and the Second one is the Engineering students studying in Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics across the Country. This wing is the ISF ( IETE Students Forum ). More than 550 live ISFs are functioning in India today with a student membership of more than 60,000.

Objectives of ISF:

1. Improving standard of Engineering Education
2. Counseling the students in the emerging new opportunities
3. Encouraging and motivating the outside Class room studies /Work shops/projects/Seminars
4. Increasing the student base and Corporate membership of IETE

Activities :

1. To plan, organize Technical Programs, Special Lectures, Workshops, Seminars Symposia, exhibitions for the benefit of students.
2. To provide common platform for students to exchange of ideas in technical topics of interest, e.g., curriculum, employment, higher educational opportunities, emerging trends, etc.
3. To facilitate technical visits, project works, employment, contact with industries and academic institutions.
4. Encourage team spirit and self reliance among student members.
5. ISFs should be a catalyst for the overall growth in technical and professional skills in young students.

Formation of ISFs :

ISFs  can be formed through local IETE Centres at recognized Engineering colleges and Polytechnics . There should be a minimum of 35 students to open an ISF. Membership of Forum Graduate (FG) for 4 year Engineering courses and Forum Diploma (FD) for three year Diploma courses. Membership Fee structure is as follows (Membership fees shall change as per Governing Council decision w.e.f 1st July 2022.)


Forum Graduate (FG)

Forum Diploma (FD)   

First Year



Second Year



Third Year



Fourth Year



Management of ISF :

ISFs will be under the supervision of a Managing Committee monitored by the Local IETE Centre. Request for registration of ISF should be through the IETE Centre. There will be Six student members In the Managing Committee out of which there will be a Chairman & a Hony. Secretary. A faculty member of the College/Polytechnic and one nominated EC member of the Centre will be permanent invitees of the committee. The management committee shall meet as often as possible in sustaining and coordinating the activities of ISF.

Benefits :

    • 1. Priority for publishing their papers in Journal of Education.
    • 2. Can also subscribe for other publications such as IETE Journal of Research and IETE Technical Review (available online).
    • 3. ISF students are welcome to attend IETE technical programs in India at reduced Regn. fees.
    • 4. ISF member will be issued with an Identity Card.
  • The institutions where Forums are registered shall receive the following benefits :
    • 1. A suitable grant to the IETE forum, commensurate with the membership strength to conduct various activities of the forum.
    • 2. One complete set of technical publications of the IETE including IETE Journal of Research, IETE Technical Review, IETE Journal of Education, IETE News letter will be sent to ISF coordinator at the Institution for students in the College Library.
    • 3. Regular interaction with Local Centres to have support from Corporate members.
    • 4. Possibility of Electronics Hobby Centres in Institution with industry support
    • 5. Conduct of Competitions such as Quiz, Technical paper Contest, Essay competition, Technical Visits to industries and conduct of inter-collegiate functions.
    • 6. Consideration of special grant for ISF during annual fests.
    • 7. ISF Students after passing from Engineering Colleges, are invited to become corporate member of an elite professional society IETE and will be given reduction in fee payment, equivalent to the amount paid at the time of joining ISF, while enrolling as an Associate Member of IETE. This offer will be valid upto 12 months after passing the exam.

    Requirement at the time of Registration of ISF :

    1.  Matrix format of students in Excel sheet certified by HOD / Co-ordinator / Principal of the Institution.
    2. Consolidated Membership fee calculation. Payment through NEFT Transfer or DD.
    3. Names of the Management Committee including Student, Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Staff in charge of ISF.
    4. ISFs may open Bank account in the name of Chairman, Secretary and College authority.


    The IETE has built up an impressive strength of student members all over the Country, at both Graduate (AM) and Diploma (SD) levels. A pass in Section A & B makes them eligible for AMIETE / DipIETE respectively. Students chapters of IETE Centres generally take care of the academic / professional needs of these members.

    IETE however needs to be well known to all electronics / telecommunication / computer science / information technology students to build awareness amongst them for the mutual benefit. In India, there are nearly 600 Engineering Colleges (affiliated to Universities), over 190 universities and over 750 Polytechnics (coming under State Dtes). Most of these Institutions have Departments of Electronics /Telecom / Computer / IT / Electrical and related areas of direct interest to IETE and prepare the students for BE/B Tech or Diploma Qualifications.

    The IETE can play a useful and stimulating role by

    improving the standard of education;
    counselling the students in the emerging new opportunities;
    encouraging outside-the-classroom studies / practical work / seminars etc;
    better employment of the students on completion of their courses;
    substantial increase of IETE membership and its nation wide distributions.
    In view of this, it is proposed to establish IETE Students Forum at these Engineering College / University and Polytechnic in the Country, through a massive membership drive in these institutions.


    The IETE Students’ Forum shall be set up at each major recognized Engineering College / University, with the assistance and involvement of senior faculty members of the Institution. The IETE Centre in the region shall provide support and coordination in the establishment and the working of the forum.

    The IETE Students Forum shall have the following broad objectives :

    To plan and organize technical programmes and activities, such as, special lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, exhibitions etc for the benefit of student members on a regular basis.

    To provide a common platform for the student members to exchange ideas and information on the topics of their interest e.g. curriculum, employment / higher educational opportunities, emerging trends, new development etc;

    To facilitate technical visits / practical training / project work / employment, of the student members in R&D laboratories, industries, academic institutions etc;

    To encourage team work and the spirit of self-reliance among the student members;

    To serve as a focal point at the institution on all aspects of professional development of the student members.

    To meet these objectives, the IETE students forum shall arrange frequent meetings of the student members together with experts / academic / R&D / industries leaders as well as IETE centres executive committee members. Programmes of common interest may also be arranged involving students forum at many institutions in the city, region etc.


    The student membership of the IETE shall be open to students of engineering colleges/universities/ institutions designated as a student (FG) members and polytechnics designated as student (FD) members as follows:-

    Sudents (FG) Member: Every candidate for election to the class of student (FG) member shall satisfy the council that (i) he/she is a student of Electronics Engineering /Telecommunication Engineering/ Computer Science/ Information technology Electrical Engineering/ Physics in university/ college/institution approved by the council, and (ii) he / she is sponsored by a Corporate Member of the IETE or Faculty member of College / University. On the successful completion of the course of study and being conferred the BE / B Tech / BSc (Engg) Degree by the University / Institution in the appropriate field, he / she shall then be eligible for election to the class of Associate Member IETE (AMIETE).

    Student (FD) Member : Every candidate for election to the class of Student (FD) member shall satisfy the Council that (i) he / she is a student of Electronics Engineering / Telecommunication Engineering / IT / Electrical Engineering / Computer Science in a Polytechnic / University / College / Institution approved by the Council and (ii) he / she is sponsored by a Corporate Member of the IETE of faculty member of college / Polytechnic. On successful completion of the course of study and being conferred the Diploma by the Directorate of Technical Education / University in the appropriate field, he / she shall then be eligible for election to the class of Diploma Member IETE (DipIETE).

    Membership Fees

    The members of the IETE students forum shall pay the following one time membership fee for their membership while studying at the college / polytechnic.

    Revised ISF Fee w.e.f. 01 July 2022

    This consolidated subscription will be realized along with the application form.

    The minimum required membership strength for opening the IETE Student Forum in any Institution is 50, either Student (FG) or Student (FD).


    All the members of IETE Students Forum have priority for publishing their papers in Journal of Education. They can also subscribe for other publication of the IETE, viz. IETE Journal of Research and IETE Technical Review. They are also welcome to attend all IETE technical programmes arranged in India at a reduced registration fee. The Institutions, wherein IETE students forum is established shall receive the following benefits :

    • A suitable grant to the IETE Forum, commensurate with the membership strength, to conduct the various activities of the Forum (@ of Rs 40/- per student per year.)
    • One complete set of technical publications of the IETE including IETE Journal of Research, IETE Technical Review, IETE Journal of Education, IETE Newsletter (one copy in each case) is sent to ISF Co-ordinator.
    • Regular interaction with IETE Centres in the region and support from IETE Corporate members, R&D laboratories, industries etc in the technical programmes of the Forum.
    • Possibility of setting up Electronics Hobby Centre in the institution with industry support;
    • Improvement in the quality of students pursuing the Degree/ Diploma courses and increase their employment potential.
    • To Organise activities of ISF and / or with IETE Local / Sub-Centre, Prizes for Quiz, Paper reading competition, organising Inter-College function at the level of Local Centres, visit to various Engineering Colleges / Institutions and organising joint activities.
    • Annual function in each IETE Students’ Forum to be organised for which a special grant could be considered.
    • In addition Annual Quiz, Essay Competition, National or Zonal Technical Paper Contest for the students be organised at the time of Mid-Term Symposium and Annual Technical Convention in whichever Centre the functions are organised.
    • ISF Students will be given reduction in fee payment during enrolment of Associate Member of IETE, equivalent to the amout paid at the time of joining ISF.


    The affairs of the IETE students forum shall be conducted and the property and money there of shall be administered by a managing committee consisting of six student members, two of whom retire every year but are eligible for re-election. One of these member shall be the chairman and another shall be the hony secretary. A faculty member of the Institution and a member of the executive committee of the IETE Centre shall be permanent invitees to the managing committee meetings. The managing committee shall meet as often as required and take decision on all matters connected with the IETE students forum in a spirit of goodwill and cooperation and with a view to enhance the image of the IETE. Any unresolved issues may be referred to the IETE Centre in the region, who will be the Monitoring and Controlling Office for the Forum.


    The functioning of the IETE students forum shall be reviewed annually by the concerned IETE Centre and the performance reported to the IETE HQ. The IETE students forum as well as centres may also suggest ways and means of strengthening these forums in the interest of the IETE.

    For further details, contact / write to:
    The Secretary General
    New Delhi

    Click here to download Form

    Role of ISFS Organisational Members Committee (IOMC)

    • Consideration of Membership applications and Initiatives for growth of ISF, Organizational Membership.
    • Target based planning and implementation to increase the ISF and Organizational members.
    • Strategy and implementation to convert Final year ISF members to Corporate members.
    • Membership Subscription and fee structure.
    • Ethics related issues of ISF members to Corporate members.
    • Monitoring the distribution of ISF Contributions from IETE HQ to the ISF Institutions & Centers.
    • Selecting ISF Institutions & Organizational members Institutions for yearly Awards First, Second & third.
    • Monitoring and increasing the ISF members in the existing Institutes and encouraging to become Associate members immediately after passing out.
    • Recommending the Centre to conduct ISF Congress along with the Zonal Seminar to TPPC.
    • All reports like Quarterly, Annual etc are to be routed through Zonal Mentors.
    • Encouraging, promoting to increase the ISF, Organizational
    • Continued efforts should be made for updating the Members E-mail and mobile no. and same is made available at all Centers.

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